Why are lab values different between blood draws? Follow
It is not unusual for blood test results to differ from one blood draw to another or from one lab to another. This variance can be confusing to a patient and challenging for a physician.
Why does it occur? Multiple factors may contribute to the variation:
- Time the blood sample was taken: Hormone levels and other biomarkers vary during the day and often are higher in the morning vs evening.
- Timing of your lab in relation to when you take your medication: Taking a testosterone injection and then getting a lab the following day vs getting a lab the day before your next injection can show dramatic differences.
- Diet: Fasting and/or the type of foods you eat and the fluids you drink can affect blood levels.
- Exercise: The timing of your exercise in relation to your lab draw can affect lab results.
- Intimacy / ejaculation / nipple stimulation: Affect levels of testosterone, prolactin, prostate specific antigen, etc.
- Sickness and Stress
- Medications / Supplements
- Sleep: Getting a good night of sleep vs pulling an all-nighter can impact your hormone levels the following day.
- Calibration of instruments
- Differences in lab equipment from one lab to another
- Difference in analyzing techniques from one lab to another
- Blood sample handling and storage
So, what can you do to help ensure an accurate reading?
- With your initial labs, follow up labs or additional labs be sure to carefully follow the instructions when testing.
- Know that your Hone physician has been well trained in lab variance and will help you make sense of your lab values.
- Don’t be surprised if on occasion you may be asked to repeat a lab in order to determine the correct treatment plan.