At-Home Sample Tips Follow
Here are some suggestions for increasing blood flow and producing enough to satisfy the requirement of the lab:
- Drink plenty of water prior to collecting your sample to ensure that you're hydrated.
- Ensure that your hands are warm by thoroughly rinsing your hands in warm water or showering.
- Swing your arms by your side or exercise beforehand to promote adequate blood flow.
- The best site for a finger puncture is just off the center of the finger pad. Do not use the tip of your finger as your puncture site.
- Make sure to place your finger on a firm surface, like a countertop or kitchen counter, to ensure that you get the proper depth when pressing in the safety lancet.
- If you find that a drop is not forming, it's helpful to promote blood flow by massaging from your wrist down to your fingertip.
- Try a different finger.
If you suspect that your blood sample was collected incorrectly, we’re always happy to review a photo of your sample card before you send it back to ensure that it will be sufficient for processing and to avoid rejection by the lab. E-mail us a photo of the card to