Hone Community Experience Follow
The NEW Community gives guys a place to have conversations about their treatment, general health, and their life in general. We’re all in the same boat together, so let's help each other get to where we’re going faster –– the below article will outline how to get started and jump into the mix with the rest of our guys.
Privacy & Security
The Hone community is a private and secure way to have honest conversations with other people who are experiencing the same things as you. We always encourage vulnerability and openness with what our guys post in the Community. That said, anything you post or comment on will be publicly visible. This means you should always double check and make sure you’re comfortable posting what you wrote. Giving out your specific patient information, results, dosages, and testing levels; are all sensitive things that you should be careful with when disclosing inside the Community.
Getting Started
In order to start communicating within the Community you will need to accept our community guidelines and create an alias (how your name will appear).
- Upon logging into your Hone account scroll down to the Community section and click CREATE NOW
- Enter the alias that would like use
- After Accepting the alias you would like to use, a pop-up with Hone’s Community Guidelines will appear. Please read through them and check off Accept before continuing
- Congrats! You have successfully created your NEW Community profile!
Creating a Post
Select the CREATE POST button
- From here you will be able to enter a Subject for your post, select the channel you would like to post to, and create the body of your post
Commenting / Replying to a Post
- Choose the post you would like to comment on and click on the REPLY option (if you would liketo just view the comments please click on the bubble cloud icon).
- Then select POST to submit your comment
Community Channels
There are currently five Community Channels that you can interact with (more to come in the future!):
Health & Wellness
This is where you can post about mental health, diet, cooking, exercise, or anything that is connected to your overall health.
Say hello! All of our guys are super welcoming and would love to hear more about you and what brought you to the community.
Treatment Talk
Want to hear about the experience of others on treatment, or need some advice about different things related to treatment –– this is the place to go.
(Please note: specific questions about issues you’re having with treatment should be message to Support@HoneHealth.com)
Water Cooler Talk
Want to talk about the big game from last night? Maybe you want to get loud about that shows season finale? The Water Cooler is an open forum to talk about pop culture, sports, entertainment, etc.
Customer Service
Need to speak to a Hone professional? This channel will highlight all of the different options you have to reach out to Hone Support.
Expanded Community
The NEW Hone community is going to evolve a lot with features and functionality over the coming months. If you want to post transformation photos, GIFS, or embed content into posts like Podcasts or Videos –– the Expanded Community will allow you to do all of this and more! Just click on that option to be taken there.
Channel Navigation
There are two main ways you can navigate to different channels:
- Click on the channel you want to view on the left hand side
- Click on Introductions (default channel) and select the channel you want to view from the drop down.